Still Deriving Your Worth from Your Work?

On Worth

Please tell me that you're also questioning the value of a dollar bill and maybs even your own job after the US stock market shenanigans this week? TLDR: Reddit readers are banning together to prove the #collaborationovercompetition theory to the tune of billions as they stick it to some hedge funds.

A - Actionable Advice

In human design your heart or ego center is the marketplace for exchanges like willpower and your connection to the material world. 


IF YOUR HEART IS DEFINED  (small red triangle on the right)

  • You're part of the 37% of the population who feels deeply connected to their heart's desires whether it's money, fame or impact there is no need to designate the ego as the bad guy it's what allows you to have a specific level of motivation to achieve in this world. Nurture this center by clearing out any shameful stories that aren't serving you and letting go when your heart isn't in it.

  • Mantra for balance: I know my worth and value and am aligned in thoughts and deeds. 


  • You may find that your will power comes and goes, embrace it. When you gather your motivation and focus your energy you hit your target with accuracy others simply can't fathom. You don't need to press on, push or hustle. Nurture this part of you by taking breaks to rest and relax and avoiding comparison and unhealthy competition.

  • Mantra for balance: I am enough and have nothing to prove.

No matter your heart center, you are innately worthy and I'm happy to remind you of that as often as you need.

B - Best of the Week

A gentle reminder by Morgan Harper Nichols before we head into the season of “accepting the love we think we deserve” as February takes center stage. To take in the entire richness of this poem you can find it here.  

C - Celebrate Yourself

PSA: Your worth cannot be found in your to-do list, occupation, social media following, other people, finances etc. You are the only factor in determining your self-worth. I know, I know, beautiful, simplistic and yet still very challenging.


I found this list by Positive Psychology to serve as excellent reminders in recognizing your self-worth.

  1. You no longer need to please other people;

  2. No matter what people do or say, and regardless of what happens outside of you, you alone control how you feel about yourself;

  3. You have the power to respond to events and circumstances based on your internal sources, resources, and resourcefulness, which are the reflection of your true value;

  4. Your value comes from inside, from an internal measure that you’ve set for yourself.


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How to Experiment with Your Human Design Chart