How to Experiment with Your Human Design Chart

Skeptics Welcomed!

No, really! Please bring all questions to the table otherwise we'll have nothing to chat about. Human Design is still very much in it's infancy phase compared to similar tools that reveal your inner workings and as someone who possesses a healthy sense of skepticism myself, I encourage in-depth individual thinking. 


Which leads me to me the theme of today's newsletter. So many HD readers put out content on social platforms that are on average, impressively succinct, however, some are at the expense of leveraging limited and potentially damaging language and to that I say, that's a no for me dawg. So don't forget, you get to question your design too this is the key part of your life experiment and the first step to trusting yourself. 

A - Actionable Advice

Here are three ways to begin your Human Design experiment by recording your awareness through journaling. See if you can do this over the course of a day or better yet a week and review at the end of your intake session.  



When asked a question go with your initial response and then write down what your mind or logic would have you do. Review at the end of the week and note where did that inner knowing come from, what did it feel like in your body, was it aligned to what your inner authority is? 


WHEN YOU'RE FEELING YOURSELF -  Your signature theme and strategy

At the end of the day write down about what made you feel most:

  • Successful if a projector, after receiving a valuable invitation

  • Satisfied if a generator or manifesting generator, after waiting to respond

  • Peaceful if a manifestor, after informing and then initiating

  • Surprised if a reflector, after observing while not absorbing your environment

Was it achieved through you acting in alignment to your strategy?


YOUR STRONGEST SENSE -  Your cognition

Next time you partake in a daily ritual like eating, bathing, getting dressed, interacting with a loved one explore all of your senses to see which one is most engaged. As you play back memories what do you recall first or most prominently, what you see, feel, hear, taste, etc? Does it match your human design?


Then compare your notes with what is outlined within your human design chart. Go with what's aligned and keep experimenting with what's not. You make the rules!


Click here if you'd like if you'd like to kick your experimentation up a notch!

B - Best of the Week

Human Design Myth Busting: Human Design isn't a practice - By Jeni Gage - 2 minute read in case you don't want to just take my word for it because, skeptics welcomed. And I love learning about different truths from different sources and you might too, 1 profile lines and open ajnas, I'm looking at you.

C - Celebrate Yourself

Find time to envision your future self by ignoring all the things you β€œshould do” for a moment. That's right, forget the inbox and the to-do list and whatever else that is plaguing your thoughts. Being busy does not amount to productivity. One will have you spinning your wheels while the other will propel you forward.


Questions worth asking yourself: Who do I want to be? Where do I want to go? What small action step is in my locust of control that I can take today, this weekend or this week?


You're worth spending time on, and while there is no quick fix to achieve the life of your dreams you can still enjoy the person you are and intentionally embody and the one you are becoming.


Still Deriving Your Worth from Your Work?


May You Be At Ease