May You Be At Ease

If you thought 2021 was going to come in quietly… go ahead and release yourself of any expectations of that now. Speaking of releasing, here are some tips to do just that to maintain your own sense of self, peace and well-being.

A - Actionable Advice

We've all heard a seemingly harmless phrase, proverb, idiom or popular saying that somehow has taken up real estate in our mind and sprouted roots as a limiting belief. I was working with a Manifesting Generator client this week who said she didn't want to be an just an ordinary “Jack of all trades, master of none” and I knew exactly what she meant. That was my gut punching phrase growing up. I remember my Dad warning me of it's limited potential and every time I changed my mind, there it was echoing in my head. It wasn't until I found human design that I realized that my multi-passionate nature was the key to my success.


Here are some more sayings to throw into your burn pile because when living your human design, you've proven that they simply aren't true.


GENERATOR -  Better safe than sorry.

Nope. The most dangerous thing you can do is waste your precious energy by ignoring whatever your body is craving to do. Smallness won't always keep you safe but it will keep you stagnate. You are here to be seen, shine and share your light.


MANIFESTING GENERATOR -  You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Ha! Your dynamic life force energy was meant to consume all the cake you want in ways that haven't even been discovered yet. You don't have to sacrifice your wants, if it's a body felt hell yes, get after it!


PROJECTOR -  Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.

False. You can totally do the thing, whatever “the thing” is for you, you've likely made it 10000x more efficient than anyone else doing it. We would all be so lucky for you to impart your wisdom with the masses given your level of unique expertise, please don't stop teaching!


MANIFESTOR -  When in Rome, do as the Romans.

Please never do this. You are a trailblazer, a shot caller, blending into your surroundings isn't your style. We need you to show us all how many differently styles there can be!


REFLECTOR -  If you snooze, you lose.

Wrong. You know what is worth rushing for and what is worth waiting for, what ideas are worth acting on and what isn't. Your lunar cycles help you to evolve so much more quickly than anyone around you realizes.


Next time you hear any of these, feel free to ask - who said that and how is it serving them?

B - Best of the Week

If you're easily distracted by your phone, this is for you. I might be slow on the up take for this one but, I'm going to share it anyway. There use to be apps that you had to pay for to limit aspects of your screen time but these settings make things even more easier and in 30 seconds. For the iPhone users. For the Android users. Hellllllo new found time!

C - Celebrate Yourself

This Metta (Loving-Kindness) Meditation is a simple way to practice compassion for yourself and those you know and don't know. What makes it particularly cool is that it has been proven to illicit positive emotions, increase resiliency, and reduce implicit bias towards stigmatized groups.


What I love about this meditation is that it is completely customizable and very impactful. Alter the phrases to match your own intentions. Do what feels good for you. I tried to find a recorded version of this on the interwebs but none seemed worthy enough for your listening pleasure, you've got this. Get comfortable, bring awareness to your breathe and softly repeat the phrases below.


The first time you're directing this towards yourself. The second time towards someone that you're grateful for, “may you be at ease." The third time visualize a person who you are neutral about. The fourth time imagine someone you don't get along with too well. The fifth time picture the larger collective, either your community, country or all beings on the planet, “may we all be at ease.”


May I be at ease

May I be content

May I be joyful

May I feel safe and secure

(Repeat x2)


How to Experiment with Your Human Design Chart


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