On Home

How do you define home? Here are some clues within your human design chart.

A - Actionable Advice

In the middle of your body graph is a diamond shaped center which is the home of your identity called the G Center. Love, highest sense of self and direction all reside here. 


If you have a Defined G Center (57%) You have a strong sense of who you and the correct direction in your life. It is easy for you to love others as you feel safe in your ability to love yourself. Don't seek externally what you possess all along - self love and direction will lead you home.


Undefined G Center (43%) You are adaptable and can sense when an environment isn't a good fit. Place is everything for you, don't put pressure on yourself to have a defined sense of self, it will come to you as long as you live authentically. Allow your strategy and authority lead you in the direction of love, your path home evolves as you go.

B - Best of the Week

Yesterday was Earth Day. No shame if you didn't know or celebrate, you have this very moment to do that and the best part is that it can look like anything that feels good to you. Walking around your neighborhood thanking each tree for its special contribution to the air you breathe, blessing your water before you drink it, smiling at a stranger because you realize we're all on this floating rock together. 


Can you imagine what it would feel like if everyone treated outside like they do the inside of their home? The care, the intention, the innovation? I hope you do find a way to celebrate our home, big or small and if you do, please let me know how!

C - Celebrate Yourself

Coming home to yourself is often referred to as "emptying out" in human design, but what does it mean? It means you can recognize where you're picking up other people's energy, neutralize it and remove it from your own energetic body. Here are a few ways to do just that:


  1. Move your body! Dance, go for a jog, shake it off, literally.

  2. Take a bath - feel free to get fancy with epsom salts, essential oils, flower petals, you name it.

  3. Walk outside barefoot and ground into the planet beneath your feet, you can take it a step further by laying down if that's available to you.

  4. Scream into pillow. Don't underestimate how good it feels to let it go in this way, there's a reason you gravitated towards it as a child.

  5. Breathwork! It sounds simple but returning to your breathe and focusing on how it moves through your body tends to get everything else moving too.

What practices do you incorporate to get back to feeling more like yourself?


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