Celebrating Your Inner Child

In honor of my sons and all that the teach me about life - here are a few tips on how to celebrate your inner child today and every day!

A - Actionable Advice

Generators & Manifesting Generators - Give yourself the freedom to be in the zone. When was the last time you let the world fade away and followed your bliss so intensely that you lost track of time? Go there! Do that!


Projectors - Give yourself the freedom of self-assurance. When was the last time you patted yourself on the back and said, well I'll be damned, I DO know what I'm talking about. Remember your highlight reel and give yourself credit!


Manifestors - Give yourself the freedom to choose. Where can you be more spontaneous and autonomous? Stretch that locust of control even further than you think you can, there's room for you to do so!


Reflectors - Give yourself the freedom to take your time. When was the last time you set your own pace? You notice so much more when you stop and smell the roses, indulge all of your senses!

C - Celebrate Yourself

Say YES to yourself, more than you say yes to others today and this weekend, I dare you! And let me know how it goes. Your energy is available to you first.


Book a session and let the celebration of you continue!


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