Ace the Interview with Human Design

Love is Blind, Layoffs and the Looming New Year - OH MY! 

I had an entire breakdown of Love Is Blind Season 3 analysis through a human design lens but alas, it must wait. Holla if you want it though! Last week I sat helpless watching thousands of my peers get laid off, thankfully I still have my 9-5. It is with acknowledged privilege that my only problem is navigating survivor's guilt, and finding meaningful ways to help. 


So I'm offering $50 off my signature Pivot Session - The Interview. It is 60 minutes with me, amplifying the magic of you, while leveraging my expertise as a recruiter and human design reader and many other tools. Trust the process, I once one Best Interview at Miss Colorado USA - no cap. Share it with anyone you want to see win in life and tell them to use the code ONWARD for $50 off and as always, I'm open to a sliding scale so just send me an email. 


As for the looming new year - I find myself so giddy putting together our advent calendar for our boys filled with ideas of activities and ways we can spend quality time and appreciate one another this year that I wanted to share that with YOU. Open up the gift that is you through human design insights every day for the month of December. It promises to be your favorite daily email and set you up for more love and luck than any other New Years resolutions can.

A - Actionable Advice

Mapping out this one question will ensure you shine in an interview setting! Robert E. Quinn's framework of Fundamental State of Leadership asks each of these 4 questions of everyone but there are some areas that each energy type naturally delivers on more easily than others.


Manifestors: How are you results centered? Talk about how you move towards possibilities that don't yet exist.


Projectors: How are you internally directed? Clarify your core values and how your perspectives lead to productivity.


Generators & Manifesting Generators: How are you other focused? Describe how you're committed to the collective good in your organization.


Reflectors: How are you externally open? Articulate what you learn and observe from your environment and what could benefit from change.


Of course each energy type can answer all four questions so give it a practice and see how it goes. Let me know where it feels difficult and I'm happy to help!

B - Best of the Week

My go to list for descriptive adjectives to up level your resume and cover letter and attempt to quantify your immeasurable impact.


And if you want to laugh (or cry if you're a swiftie) Taylor Swift fans are struggling with Ticketmaster and in case you missed it, Twitter is struggling with their Blue Check subscriptions so feel free to peruse those imposter tweets on the world wide web.

C - Celebrate Yourself

If you've made it this far, I appreciate you! It's been quite a year and I've hid from lots of things I used to love but became fearful of not doing them perfectly enough. If you can relate send me a screenshot of your human design chart, or your birth details (time, date, and place) and I'll email you back a shimmer of hope that I see in one of your gates to help you celebrate yourself!

The Interview


Buying Decisions by Design


Celebrating Your Inner Child