Buying Decisions by Design

Today is Black Friday and with every business that has your email in your inbox you might be tempted to make a few purchases. While some people live in analysis paralysis others instantly know how they’ll make a decision. One way to strengthen your inner voice and make the best choice for yourself is to tap into your body wisdom and in human design that is your authority.

A - Actionable Advice

Before you swipe, here are some reminders leveraging your authority.


Emotional: how does it make you feel? If your heart races with potential fomo of “savings” it’s not worth it. Let it sit in your cart over night and see how it feels as your emotions, rise, fall and settle.


Sacral: does the mere sight of it deliver instant gratification? You might smile to yourself or hear your body respond with an excited "ooohh!" Then you have yourself a winner! Anything less is a no for now. Don’t force a sale.


Splenic: were you mysteriously drawn to the site or store and can’t explain why or how? Keep listening to your instincts. Even your spontaneous buys end up being impeccably timed.


Ego: curious as to how you functioned in life without it? Stop the daydreaming and complete the transaction. It’s okay to admit that it was made for you. Anything yielding a lack of conviction isn’t worth your mental capacity or clamshells.


Self-Projected: have you told someone about it yet? Good! How did it sound as you recounted your purchasing decision? Listening to yourself aloud will tell you everything you need to know like if the item allows for self-expression and is a step in the right direction for you.


Environ(mental): are you in a physical space that makes you feel good and processing aloud with people you trust? An in person shopping experience in a chaotic retail store could leave you feeling disconnected to what you actually want. Flip the mental switch to access your higher mind and not your fear one.


Lunar: how has this item made itself known over the past few weeks? If it has magically flowed into your life and you kept revisiting it, there could be something there to surprise and delight you. Don't fret over small sales windows, nothing meant for you will pass you by.

B - Best of the Week

Looking to shop outside of the big box stores? This resource shares several conscious and ethical online alternatives to help you find what you're looking for.

C - Celebrate Yourself

I'll be celebrating you too with our reduced prices in the shop from now until December 1st. Treat yourself or a loved one or both!


"I've loved waking up to these every day.”

“I'm saving each and every one”

“These have been such beautiful reminders for myself.”


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